Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Who Is this Father?

Earthly fathers are failing their sons and daughters in a big way but there is a Father in heaven who never fails...

The earthly father may have rejected, disappointed or abused you
The earthly father may have failed you over and over and over again
HE has held you since the day you were born and
HE has never let you go;
HE is the strength in your weakness,
HE knows your pain and HE has counted your tears.
Though unworthy of HIS grace;
Towards you HIS grace knows no limits,
Upon you HIS perfect, unconditional love.
Hidden under the shadow of HIS wings;
HIS blessings & HIS favor is upon you.
HE has delivered your soul from death, your feet from stumbling
So that you may walk before HIM in the light of the living.
In the midst of your pain, find rest in HIM as HIS mercy, grace & favor
Surrounds you like a shield. 



My prayer for you:
Through the failure of the earthly father, you would be ushered into the marvelous presence of the ABBA FATHER and enter into HIS rest,
Being still and knowing that HE IS GOD, the LORD your healer, provider, your perfect peace
Abide in HIM and HE will abide in you for apart from HIM you can do nothing

ABBA FATHER, show her a sign of YOUR goodness, let her enemies be put to shame
For YOU are the ONE who comforts her;
YOU are the ONE who upholds her with YOUR Righteous Hand! 

MAY STRENGTH AND COURAGE be your portion dear sister
For this is HE is with you wherever you go!! HIS grace is sufficient and it is all that you need

Hallelujah! Thank You JESUS